Yealmpton yompers

Run2Paris 2024

We're fundraising for...

That's right me and the team are running to Paris. You heard, from London to Paris on foot, in just 4 days. Wish us luck but more importantly please donate. Your donation will go towards two really important causes, Supporting Parkinson's UK and SSAFA. I really appreciate your support.

Thank you to our Sponsors


Julian Whiteley

What a way to celebrate your have our admiration Mum and Dad



Thought I’d edge you over the £1500. So proud of you girls. Strong and determined for a superb cause. Your commitment is extraordinary. I would wish you luck but I know you’ll smash it with fitness, stamina, strength of character and intense stubbornness 💪 xxx


Liam Deeney

Good luck!


Services Design Solution Limited

Well done Kat, good luck on the day. From all at SDS


Laura And Fam

So impressed with all your hard work! Enjoy the run 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Guy Redwood

Bon chance!



Don't forget your passport!


Mandy And Gerald

Good luck!!!!!xx


Cathy And Andrew

Go Gemma…A and C xxx


Chris And Pippa

Quite a challenge! Good luck to you and your team.


Chris Brook

Go Luby go!! Crazy lady.


Woody & Rich

Fantastic challenge!! . So much love and luck Woody & Rich xxx


Silvana Smulian

This is such a good cause! Thank you so much and wish you all the very best! Love Silvana xx


Ginny Graham

Bon chance madame! Vite vite!


Johanna Mandal

Good luck Honor! You will smash it!! 💖🎉


Chloe Cooper

Amazing effort. Well done! So proud of you all.





Go Kat! You are awesome xx



Good luck Honor!!! Amazing cause xx


James H



Good luck Honor!! Amazing cause!


James, Chloe & Quintin

Good luck!!


Emma Guild

You go, girl! X


Robyn Whiteley

All those miles run...I'm super proud of you. Enjoy the event...the camaraderie and the sense of achievement. You have done so well xxx


Pat Patel


Megan Balabey

Good luck Honor!!!!


Kate C-p

Good luck, Kat! Sorry I can't join you!


Kate Sharpe

Go go go!!! Love Kate, Nick, Joshua and Sammy 🥰


Chris Bell


Victoria Schad

You go!!!


St Quinton’s Xxx

So impressed!! Hope you eat alllll the croissants when you get there! Xxxx



Come on you. Quit your whingeing and get on with it!


Julia Rowlands


Fiona Pratten

Good luck team!!


Jim And Jane Boyle

Good luck Honor ! Take care of the blisters 🥰xxx



Good luck!!


Will Bell

Good luck Honor!!


Helena Lopez

You go girl! Here is a little support :)


Roz & Adam Booth

You crazy woman! What’s wrong with a bike or a train to Paris?! Good luck to you all. Great cause what an effort. I hope there is a crate of champagne at the end because you’ll need it!


Caroline Wallbank

Well done Honor and hope it all goes well.


Will Bell

Good luck Honor!!


Shirley Deeney

You can do it!!!! Good luck🥰🥰😂



Go Gemma!! What a fab challenge, good luck to you and the team 👏


Susie Mcfarland

Power to your elbows Lu and team! Make like the Arc de Triomphe and bon courage! x



Go mummy! Can't wait to see you at the finish line xxx



Way to go mummy! I'm excited for the croissants (and seeing you finish at the Eiffel Tower) xxx


Georgie Parker

Run snoozy run


Flic, Sam, Freya & Otto

Good Luck x



What a great cause! x


Alistair Bidie

Best of luck Honor!!


Claire Nash

Good luck and well done for stepping up to the challenge!


Lauren Lawther

Go Honor! Sending you all my luck :)


The Mkhize’s X

You’ve got this!!! we are in awe Enjoy the ride. We love you!!


Diane Daniels

Good luck Gemma!


Connie Anderson

Go go go Gemma and team! So impressed!fergus is very proud of his godmother! Loads of love from us all, Connie, Ross, Eliza, Ferguson and Finn x


Heather Midgley

Well done Kat! Amazing achievement! H xx


Sarah Mcmenamin

Good luck Gemma! You are an inspiration 🏃‍♀️💪 from the McMenamins xxx


Sarah Hargreaves

You're certifiably mad and that's why I love you. I know you're nail it (albeit possibly with a bit of swearing 😊)


Hannah Redknap

Good luck Honor - a great cause :)


Zoe Sydenham

Great challenge! Good luck to you and the team!


Mrs Sara J Hills

Ask me if you want some foot cream or muscle rub!! xx


Julie Carman

Good luck Gemma! Go smash it xxx


Alison Simpkins


Tors Froud

Think you are crazy...but so incredibly in awe of you too. Go Boss, you got this!


Beetle, Nick, Isaac & Henry

Good luck Snoozy! (And Gemma!)


David Graham

Good luck Yompers! Dave



Good luck Kat and team!! Or as Lyla would say ‘Faster, faster’!!! Love Lynsay, Rhys & Lyla xxx


Debs Gozzard

Bon chance! Have a fab time!


The Brimacombes

You’re incredible! Good luck with these last few weeks of training and hope you have an amazing run XX


Jo, Greg, Summer

Go Go Go! All the best! Enjoy the adventure!


Adam Ferguson

Brilliant work Kat! I hope you enjoy the event. Best of luck!


Kurt B

Good luck Lu!


Gill And Family

Wow Kat…that’s quite a challenge!! Good for you 👏


Livvie Guild

Woweee!! Good luck xx


Chris Avent



Good luck - I’m sure you will smash it!


Teresa Godfrey

Go you!



Good luck Luby!! Hope you and your family are fabulous. Xx


Lisa Boyce


Sarah Lloyd

Wishing you and your ankle the best of luck X


Beth, Harv & Mollie

Go smash it Hon 🏃🏽‍♀️


Liz Slater

Good luck Kat. Smash it! The training will pay off x



Good Luck!


Sally Lock

You are mad!!! Good luck xx



Go Kat go! Good luck for your amazing running adventure! Kerry, Mark, Rupert and Finley xx


Ruipeng Sweeting

good luck Luby!


Holley King

Best of luck Kat!


Diana Byrne

Good luck to all the team.


Helen Vines

You crazy nutter! Good luck I hope it's a breeze!, hxxx


Madeline Allen

Wishing a great run


Klara Friend

You never cease to amaze me!
