Dominic Farrer

Run2Paris 2024

Why am I doing this crazy 350k run???

I ask myself the same question, trust me!. When Aisha mentioned this run to a bunch of us in our small community running group Hassocks Community Runners I instantly jumped at the opportunity because who else can say they have done something like this. 

This is the kind of event that I will no doubt never forget for the good and the bad that will undoubtedly happen during training and doing the run. 

So me and the team are running to Paris from London, in just 4 days. Wish us luck but more importantly please donate. Your donation will go towards two really important causes, Supporting Parkinson's UK and SSAFA. I really appreciate your support.

If you would like to follow me training on Strava please do so. Here is a link to my bio - Dominic Farrer | Strava Runner Profile

My Updates

Steyning Stinger Half Marathon

03 March - The usual race prep for this one. This race is a new one for me. It is off road and the race offers multiple distances half, 30k and marathon. 

From all accounts that I have heard it is quite gruelling. It also incredibly muddy which makes it harder. 

Well off we go and as there is a staggered start time for the event I soon catch a few friends, have a quick chat and off we go again. I'm not wanting to hurt myself on this run as I don't know the course so I decided to walk a few of the very speed uphill sections and save my energy. The final hill I ran all the way and then starts the flat and final decent back to the start line. 

I only fell twice because of the thick mud but it was nice and sunny which was a huge bonus and made it all worth it. I finished in 2h02min and in 23rd place. I wish now that I had pushed a bit harder and ran especially the first hill but ah well. Lessons learnt and I can come back in future years and tackle it again. But with 1500ft of elevation I am happy with the time. 

5k turns into 7km

28 February - HCR evening run and I joined Marys 5km run. We headed out towards Ditchling and we ended up doing 7km in the end. Not sure what happened there. But it was quite good fun to run along the road tonight and try to dodge all of the puddles that are everywhere al the moment. 

Brighton Half Marathon - Pacer Mode

25 February - Preparation for this race went as usual. I big pasta dish the night before, plenty of sleep and hydration the day before. Up at 6am and breakfast which is overnight oats. Hop on the rail replacement bus and we are in Brighton. 

Sarah and me are running together for this run as she is trying for a new PD in a time of 1h44min. 

We lined up in the pen just in front of the 1h45m pacer and we were off. Everything was going really well for the first 10 miles. We were hitting out times perfectly and battling through the initial crowd at the start of the race and up the hill. Then came the turn at the end and the final stretch. Well the headwind was there again like in previous years and it was a bit too much. We made a really big push for the final mile and did our fastest mile of the whole race but it wasn't quite enough to seal the deal.

We finished in 1h 45min. About 20 seconds off a new PD for Sarah. Despite that Sarah gave it her all and almost collapsed going over the line. Without that head wind we would have certainly made the time. 

Gutted I didn't get one the amazing prizes in the goody bag at the end of the race. But the medal is pretty good. 

Last minute takers for the Brighton Half

21 February - This evening run was an easy paced 7k. As my partner haven't been able to train properly for the Brighton Half Marathon this coming weekend I thought it only proper to offer her place to anyone else who wants it. Thankfully someone piped up very quickly and snapped up the place as it sold out months ago. 

Taking it easy before another big race

19 February - Another HCE evening run and I am really trying to shake the reputation I seem to have gained as being too fast for anyone else to join me on a run. To tonight's run I made it crystal clear that it would be 'fast' and I informed everyone of the pace in which I intended to do which is my Easy pace. 

A few takers and we were off on an easy paced 5km run just around the village and as flat as I can possibly make it. I'm going to use this route as my tempo circuit in the coming weeks so it was good to know the route works well. 

Easy long run

18 February - In light of my new wisdom from reading my long run today I am trying to do at an easy pace. For me my easy pace is between 08:30 - 09:30min/mile. 

So todays 9 mile run I managed at 08:55min/mile. 

Reading up about running

16 February - I recently purchased a book called Daniels Running Formula. Jack Daniels is an American running coach who has helped many different people achieve great results from college cross country teams, track teams, short, middle and long distance runners alike. With many going on to represent their county and even at the Olympics. 

It was a great book to ready to understand the key elements of training and what each running type does. A runner should always understand wat the purpose of a run is. So this has been a great read. 

The book also helps anyone to create a running program for themselves no matter what race distance you are tackling and no matter the ability. 

Breaking with convention

12 February - No long run this weekend as I'm feeling a bit lacking in motivation. This is quite odd considering last week I achieved a new personal best. You would think that that would help to drive me forwards and continue. But apparently that doesn't work for me. This has happened before about 2 years ago when I achieved a 1h41min half marathon and after that I tailed off my running completely. 

Some personal reflection is needed on what actually motivates me to run. 

Still riding the high from my PB

07 February - A relatively small group at this evening HCR group run and nobody wanted to do a 10k so just by myself which is nice. 

I got a little carried away however by doing on average 7:49min miles which is pretty quick considering my last run. I really need to learn to slow down and not push myself. At this rate I'm going to hurt myself at some point. 

Aching like never before

05 February - Today has been quite a struggle. Aching all over in particular my shoulders for some odd reason after Saturday run. I did warn my colleagues that I was in a bit of a bad mood thankfully they understood. 

No running tonight as I had planned but just a warm up and some more stretching.  

Chidham Trail Half Marathon

03 February - Race day here we come. I arrived with lots of time which was great and I didnt forget anything which is a bonus. As it has been really dry now for weeks I was wondering how many other runner would wear road shoes but I took my trails. It turns out that was the best choice. 

I finished the race in 1h40m a few minutes faster than I initially planned. A personal best and I came 16th overall. That certainly encourages me to keep on going and progressing. 

Steady as she goes

29 January - A nice and steady run this evening with some other HCR runners as well as a little 5k row first thing this morning. 

I have a fairly flat trail half marathon this weekend coming so I really need to ease off the pace a bit to allow my muscles a bit more breathing room and time to repair. I'm going to aim for about 1h 45m which could mean my fitness is back to something close to where I was in summer 2021. Fingers crossed we will be alright. 

First long run with low heart rate

28 January - So after all my research here is my first attempt at a low heart rate run. I decided to stick more to roads and try to keep it fairly flat for this first one to see how I do.

I set of quite quickly to try and get my heart rate up to where I wanted it (135-150) pretty quickly. Turns out I way overshot this and my heart rate was well into the 160's for about the first mile. Lesson learnt here. Make sure to wet the sensors on my chest heart rate monitor before doing out. It makes a world of difference and so much more accurate. 

Anyway I ended up going about 9.5 miles with pretty much all of it with my heart rate in the zone I wanted. It took a while for me to start sweating and my heart rate according to my watch to settle but I am sure this is just an equipment error. All in all I think it was a successful run. My average pace for the whole thing was 8:44min/mile. Lets see over the next few months if I can et faster but my heart rate remain low under 150. 

Core like Superman

26 January - We all know that it is not only the legs that need working to be a decent runner. Almost ever aspect of the body needs to be worked. Only me personal opinion here but the core is a key part in all of this so I am going to start doing at least one session a week where my main focus is just that. So today I did just a really simple 6 minute core routine. I used the Stephen Scullion routine that I found on YouTube where I just needed to follow along with him. Quite a nice easy routine so I'll do this for a few weeks and look around for some more advanced routines as I get better. 

Bring on the abs of steel.

Low heart rate training

22 January - I have been doing a lot of googling recently about low heart rate training and its benefits. It seems pretty simple on the surface by only running in my aerobic heart rate zone. For me this is between 135-150 beats per minute. In all honestly I probably do most of my training in this zone but my heart rate will fluctuate in and out quite a bit. 

The reason for doing this is that eventually you will be able to get faster and faster with the heart rate staying low. Perfect for middle to long distance runners who need to keep going and going. By building my aerobic capacity this will prevent the build up of lactic acid which is what we don't necessarily want to prevent but we want to keep it as low as possible within our bodies whilst running. 

For anyone doing an easy run where your heart rate is sky high 160+ you should really think about this type of training. I am sure it will make a big difference. So let the experiment begin. 

Me and Amanda running together :)

20 January - My partner Amanda and I rarely run together but as we are both training at the moment we thought why not do our long weekend run together. So off we go to Hove for a long flat run. We decided to both start from the same point and run for 45 minutes in one direction straight along the coastline towards Brighton and back again. 

It worked out perfectly as we met back up 1h30min later at the car park. Annoyingly the cafe had already closed and I was really looking forward to a brownie or some other sweet treat. 

Road runner fast

19 January - As with my previous training plan working on speed and the anaerobic system is important when wanting to complete any race in a particular time. So tonight's run is short nut difficult. 

0.5 mile section of road at about 90-95% effort level. 3-4 minute rest and repeat. I did this four times tonight with each interval taking me 3 minutes. I think it was my fastest ever. Probably not a good thing. I remember the person who build my training program before telling me not to push too hard on these sessions and sticking to the pace he had prescribed which was 3min 30 seconds. 

Anyway really happy with the session. Bring it on again maybe next week. 

Morning glory

17 January - I think this is my first morning run in ages before work. Up at 6am and out the door at 6:15. The El Clasico route was quite alright despite the cold temperatures. Only two places where there was some ice and I had to slow down. 

Ended up being one of my fastest 10k runs in about 2 years. I really need to get my ass down to Brighton seafront and try out my 10k distance there and see what I can do. Not sure I could do it at my 5k pace but maybe give it a try a touch slower.

Minor injuries

15 January - I realised after my long run yesterday that I had sustained a little damage to a toe on my right foot. So a bit of a breather is in order for it to heal and rest my legs. 

13 The Hard Way

14 January - Long run day :) I had planned to only do part of this route but when I got to Black Cap after 6 miles I thought why not just keep going and do the full route. Well it ended up in a 16 mile run and by the end of it my legs were dead. Especially with an average pace of 09:00min miles with a decent bit of elevation as well. All in all really happy with this long run. Pushing the distance a bit, lots of elevation and I didn't stop going up the gruesome tank tracks. 

Row row row your boat

12 January - Hoped on the rower this evening as it is freezing outside. So a nice gentle 10k ended in 46minutes will do the trick until the frost melts and I won't end up on my ass. 

Like a greyhound chasing the rabbit

10 January - HCR run this evening and again nobody wants a 10k so I am all by myself. As it is quite icy all of the groups are doing the same out and back route to Hurst. 

To make it interesting for myself I thought I would try and catch the 7k group on the way back. I tried to keep the pace quite consistent but didn’t quite manage to catch them. I missed them by about a minute or so. Although I failed in my goal it was still quite a fun exercise and kept myself motivated for the for the whole run. 

Park Run Personal Best

06 January - After feeling quite good after the run yesterday I thought why not go and do a park run in Hove. So off we go on the train.

I have only been to three of these ever and I always try my very best so last time i finished in 22:31. Aiming this time for about 22:00 dead. 

I started out for the first 1k ish with the 23min pacer and then as my legs warmed up started to progress slowly. I ended up averaging a 6:40min miles and completed it in 21:15. Absolutely chuffed with a new 5k record. 

Back home and fighting fit again

05 January - Arrived back home from Devon yesterday and thankfully I have another week off work. It is always nice to avoid the new year madness at work. Plus it is my partners birthday so I have a great excuse. 

First run with HCR is a little while and nobody else wanted to do a 10k run so I was all by myself. I took the opportunity to push myself a bit. Finished it in 50 minutes which I am pretty happy with as it is close to the pace I would like for the upcoming Brighton Half Marathon. 

South Devon coastal long run

03 January - Happy New Year everyone. I attempted this run a few days ago but I got about 1 mile in and had an issue with my nose. So here we are again for round 2. 

A coastal path run from Brixham in south Devon for about 5 miles and then turn back. At least that was the plan. Turns out the coastal path after St Mary's Bay is BRUTAL. I have never experienced anything like it. So I ended up doing 3.5 miles along the path and back. Still quite an effort considering the 2000 feet of elevation the foot bath took me up and down. 

I'm not sure I'll do that particular route again in a hurry. 

First run back

29 December - Just a nice easy 4 mile run this morning with some of the HCR runners. An easy and quite flat route from Hassocks to Ditchling and back again. Not feeling 100% but certainly getting there and this will help a bit. 

Illness :(

24 December - Just was I needed at this time of year being ill. Fingers crossed it will pass by in no time but I'm not sure I'll be that lucky. 

Christmas Eve

24 December - As one of the running volunteers at HCR I am responsible for organising the Christmas Eve long run and as it falls on a Sunday that is quite alright with me as it fits into my usual schedule. 

I decided on a nice route which has lots of turn back points so that anyone can come along and do as little or as much as they liked. The complete run was 8.5 miles and there was 4 of us at the end with a starting group of 8 :). 

Sheep staring at me from the abyss

21 December - The darkest day of the year is here and we now celebrate the coming of the light. Instead of the route that was set out I decided on doing a slight different route up the downs which doesn't involve going up the tank tracks. Instead a slight more gentle route but one also filled with perils including brambles previously encountered which can inflict great damage. 

All in all a nice 6 mile run before the sun rose and I managed to get home before 7am in time for getting ready for the work day ahead. I encountered some sheep near the start of the hill climb and it was quite a sight to see 20 pairs of eyes staring back at me. 

Winter is coming

20 December - The winter solstice is almost upon us. To mark the occasion the HCR team are running from our base in Hassocks up one of the steepest track I know (Tank Tracks) at 7am on Thursday 21st Dec. 

Honestly the route up is awful. 1km all the way up the South Downs. It has an average of a 13% incline and goes up by over 400 feet. The only saving grace is that very few people use it so there is little erosion. 

I would love to join them but I have a job to get to so I thought I would get up a bit earlier, maybe 5am and do it instead. Quite glad that I have two running light. A chest and a head torch. 

I'll be on the look out for pagans and witches on my run but in the pitch black I'm sure they can see me and I can't see them. But Yule in the Pagan religion is the celebration of the coming of the light. No more will the days get shorter and darker but the light is coming with every passing day.


Hills, Hills and more Hills

19 December - Not many updates recently because of all of the HCR Christmas Hills reps challenge. So yesterday concluded my efforts for the challenge with a grand total of 21 efforts of the same 1.7 mile segment. This shall never be repeated again. Unless next year the segment is more interesting. 

In the meantime there have been more bake sales at work with Nut Brittle last week and more mince pies this week. 

Long and slow 10k

06 December - A nice long and slow 10k tonight which is fairly flat but with lots of mud so the trail shoes are on. It was great to have two other runners with me who don’t usually go for longer runs. Some people get a little intimidated by the usual 10k running group because of the extra distance and usually faster pace. So it is great to break that barrier for people.

HCR Hill Reps are hotting up

04 December - With a bunch of us from Hassocks Community Runners in the running for completing most repetitions of the hill challenge this month I thought why not get a few more in and stay in the lead. Back on top now with 12 reps in the last 2 weeks. Just 2 weeks left. 

Sussex Downs Half Marathon

02 December - As the title suggests I ran the Sussex Downs Half Marathon today. But this is an extra special today for many reasons. Where do I start. 
1. The start is inly 4 miles from my house so I though why not run there. Well I got lost and ended up doing 6 miles before starting. The organisers were kind enough to let me start 10 minutes later than everyone else. 
2. It was freezing. My hair was frozen literally. As were the droplets of sweat on my legs. First time for everything.
3. This was my first trail race 🥳 and it was really great. I’ll certainly be doing more. 

Well the run went really well. Because of my late start I was catching people for most of the run. I am quite driven when I see someone ahead that I think I can overtake. I am sure this says something about my competitive personality. I finished the race in 2h 07 minutes. Really pleased with the time considering everything.  

Time warp

29 November - bit of a time slip here in this running diary/update system. But all I have done since my last post is running ip and down the same hill for our Christmas challenge. Practise makes perfect right? I hope so because when I come to trying another fast effort in a few weeks I am hoping to be like lightning.

More hills 😭

25 November - i don’t usually run on a Saturday but as this event requires consecutive running days I thought it good to get some practise in and feel how I am on Day3/4. So just a short 4 mile run today before tomorrows longer run.

Practising those hills

24 November - Why not try to get both crowns I was thinking on my run? Fastest time and most repetitions. So here we are two more efforts if the hill. Thats is 3 now for me so likely in the mead at this early stage. I need to find out what the record was last year.

HCR Christmas challenge begins

22 November - My club has set a Christmas challenge to everyone. A 1.7m run up and down a relatively gentle hill in Hassocks to Oldlands Mill. Prizes will be awarded at the party in a month for fastest time and most attempts. So tonight is attempt No1. Again not my idea to do another fast run but I wanted to set myself a quick time at the start to see how much I can progress in a month. So first attempt done in 13:14. I need to take over 1min iff that time to be in with a chance of taking to top spot in a months time so renewed efforts are needed on my speed and hill climbing ability. 

Fast as lightning

20 November - The usual Monday evening run with my local community running group HCR. As its getting colder it is normal for less people to turn up so nobody else wanted to do a 10k run with me so I set off by myself. I got a bit carried away with myself early on trying to catch the 7k group who had set off shortly before me. Instead if settling into a nice recovery run pace after yesterdays long run I decided to keep going at a fast pace and finish the 10k in about 46min. Quite quick and probably detrimental to my training but oh well. I’ll pay for it later. 

Long run day :)

19 November - I always quite enjoy my long run day. Not at first because it is a bit if a test of endurance and determination to keep going but after a while you know you can do the distance so you enjoy it so much more. I did a new route today from Hassocks to Plumpton and then into familiar territory up the South Downs to Black Cap and back to Ditchling Beacon, Jack and Jill and then home. A 14 mile run and nobody with me so managed to push the pace a little and finished in a nice 2h 16m.

Its all in the hips

17 November - Worked a bit more on hip mobility this evening with a little warm ip on the rower at home and then a youtube guided hip mobility and stretching session. All I had in my head was the character from Happy Gilmore saying ‘Its all in the hips’ swish swish swish :) 

Muffins muffins muffins

15 November - I don’t know anyone that doesn't like a muffin but there is always a debate between chocolate and blueberry so last night I made a batch of both to please everyone. They went down very well at work with only a few left over to take home to my partner Amanda. 

Getting lost again

13 November - I volunteered to lead a 10k run this evening and it was nice to go out with just one other person for a change so we had the change to get to know each other quite well. But I did end up missing my turning so the 10k run turned into 12k. Woops. 

Remembrance Day Long Run

12 November - My running group Hassocks Community Runners have organised a run today to the WW1 memorial The Chattri which is a memorial to Indian soldiers. I decided to add an extra few miles onto the run so I setup a little earlier and met the team on the hills at the meeting point. I ended up doing over 14 miles which is my longest run on record :) 

Flu jab and an easy 7km

09 November - An easy 7km run with two other guys yesterday after a few days of not feeling great but I am feeling much better now. 

My very first flu jab at work today which Gatwick was kind enough to pay for through the winter wellness scheme they have. No adverse effects so fare so hopefully no bad feelings. 

Bake sale No2

08 November - Bake sale no2 in the office today with Lemon curd cookies. I must admin making them last night was not easy. The curd was great, easy and came out really well. Certainly something I will do again. But the gluten free dough was a bit of a nightmare. But the end result was really great and looks very much like the picture form the recipe which is encouraging. 

Goal setting and a cold

06 November - Felt a bit under the weather today and starting to get a bit of a cold. Good job most if my work mates have a cold as well so not concerned about others catching it from me. 

So what do you do to cheer yourself up? Why not enter the Brighton Half-Marathon in Feb next year. Entry in and a great testing ground for my legs three months before this big adventure.

Sweat test No1

05 November - I decided to do a sweat test for the first time today and I ended up loosing exactly 1kg in weight in the 1h30min run this morning. So that is 666ml of sweat per hour. I'm going to do this test a bunch of times over the coming months to see if I can get some consistent results to help better understand my hydration needs. 

Longish run and a bramble injury

05 November - Sundays are long run days in my training week. This weeks run was only 9 miles but included two decent hills. Wolstonbury Hill isn't that big but my running companion convinced me to take the steep side today so making it to the top without stopping was quite an accomplishment. The second hill up the down towards Ditchling Beacon is much gentler. All done a 1000feet of elevation in a short run is quite fun. 

The only hiccup was on the way home down the hill I wasn't quite able to get out of the way of a very long bramble vine and ended up with quite little cut on my chest. A bit sore in the shower afterwards but other than that all fine. 

Hip mobility and Yoga

04 November - This morning I went to my first yoga session in I don’t know how many years and it was great. Considering I attended a wine tasting last night and had 5 glasses I am feeling quite good. Really glad the group asked to work on shoulders and hips as it really payed off. Really felt a bit looser after the session. I’ll certainly be going again. But my yoga mat is a bit tired now and little purple buts were sticking to my hands at points. 

New mat needed and need to do more hip flexibility during the week. 

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

01 November - A cheeky little speed running session after work today with two fellow HCR runners before the storm comes rolling in. 4 x 0.5 mile intervals at 90% with 3 minute rest in between. 

Also the brownies went down well today at work but I still have dome left so i need to touch base with the other departments at work :) 

Brownie Making

31 October - Just making brownies for the work troop for tomorrows first day of fundraising :) I have made 18 brownies so fingers crossed that will be enough. 

A bit about me

Oct 2023 - Captains Log Day 1. Hi everyone. For those that don’t know me well I am taking on this mammoth challenge of four consecutive half marathons from London to Paris with my teammates to test myself, raise money for well deserving charities and it is the kind of thing that I’m sure I won’t forget in a hurry.

I served for over 12 years in the Royal Air Force so SSAFA are a charity close to me and are incredibly supportive of veterans and those still serving. 

Please sponsor me to help raise money and awareness for them and to maybe hear about the pain and misery I’ll be putting myself through to get ready and actually do this thing. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Dominic F

Cash raised through bake sales at work for Nov/Dec.


Hannah Robbins




Dominic Farrer

From bake sale 1st Feb


Ian Ashton


Matthew Trigg

Run well! (If it had been doughnuts I’d have bought the box)


Mark Johnston

Good luck!


Ian Ashton


Neil Harvey

Congrats pal


Tim Knott

Hello my lovely 🥰



Cake credit 😉



Run Dom Run!!


Ian Ashton






Eamonn Harper


Sophie Evans

Thank you for the delicious cake and good luck with the run!


Tim Knott


Dianne Reynolds

Good luck with the fund raising :)


Ian Ashton


Gemma Stanley


Dominic Farrer

From Brownies


Pete Coombes


Darcey Haldar




Emma Donnelly


Tim Knott




Ian Ashton


Tim Knott


Maria Mcintyre


Tim Knott


Tim Knott


Faye Travi

Good luck!




Chris Stuart






Victor Martin


Emma Powell


Faye Travi

Good luck!




Jamie Moore




Darcey Haldar

The biscoff brownies are your best yet 👏👏👏








Maria Mcintyre


Ania Abbott


Sarah P

Supporting via baked goods






Maria Mcintyre



Thanks for the cake!


Darcey Haldar



Well done Dominic and thank you for the brownie! I think I’ll be a regular customer of these baked goods!!!



Top brownies!


Lily Holt

Good luck! Great cause, brownie was lovely :)


Theresa Ward

Thanks for the yummy biscoff brownies!!




Flavia Sousa

Well done for joining such a great cause. Good luck!


Darcey Haldar


Mark Browse


Emma Powell


Darcey Haldar

Good luck!



Delicious cake! Good luck








Gavin Sillitto




Ania Abbott


Mark Browse


Gordon Clark


Gordon Clark


Gordon Clark




Kelly Robinson

Thanks for the yummy granola bars. Good luck on your mission!



Thank you for the cakes in the office


Ania Abbott


Lisa Bonnyman




Cakes in work kitchen










Lisa Gibson

Good luck!




Ian Ashton
